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Tree Planting and ‘Gotong Royong’ Activities

KOTA KINABALU (Mar 6): The oldest golf club in Sabah, the Kinabalu Golf Club (KGC), will benefit from the Tanjung Aru Eco Development (TAED) project. Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Joachim Gunsalam said KGC, at the same time, would give added value to TAED and the development surrounding it.

“As we are all aware of, the State Government will continue with the development of TAED and when it is completed with modern infrastructure, I am sure it will boost KGC image and add value to its membership.

“KGC is currently a green belt zone and surely the Club will add value to TAED and its surrounding development,” said Joachim in a statement.

The Local Government and Housing Minister said this when officiating the KGC Day in Tanjung Aru near here on Sunday.

Dr Joachim went on to express his full support of KGC president Datuk Joannes Solidau’s desire to collaborate with TAED to get assistance from the State Government to provide land for the construction of an extra nine-hole course thus making KGC an 18-hole golf course. Read More


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